Waste Management

The duty to take care of the environment extends to every individual on the planet, from someone in a moderate home to someone building a luxurious mansion. This perhaps applies to an even greater degree to the industrial business. Processing factories, large farms and ranches, even schools and city water systems are all responsible for the proper forms of waste management, from making recycling available to the cleaning of the water that runs through their facilities.

Recycling water is one of the easiest and most cost effective forms of waste management there is, as well as one of the most necessary. The average human household goes through tonnes of water in a day, and one can only guess at how much water is put through a school, a city water system, or a large cable ties factory in the same time period. The proper use of treatment chemicals removes the solid material suspended in waste water and allows it to settle in various treatment ponds or facilities; this effectively cleans out the water.

Sewage disposal is about more than just getting the water back into circulation, though; what about those solids that are leftover? These removed materials are called biosolids, and they may be made up of every manner of particles, some of them quite unsettled (toxic). Further chemical treatment, as well as the use of bacteria, transforms the solids into more stable matter.

So, the biosolids have been made less toxic, but the question about what to do with them still remains. In North America, the application of biosolids as fertilizer is widely recognized as effective, efficient, and safe, as well as fairly economical. You may be living in a rural country area near one of these farms, and not even know it. This remains the most widely used application, however, research has been started that will hopefully one day allow biosolids to be used as energy sources, using a couple of different methods (biological - using bacteria, and thermochemical - the use of high temperatures). Someone living in Davisville Village homes may not see how this greatly improve their situation before they move, but in a couple of decades this sort of development will help to sustain and grow city life.

Biosolids, then, are no longer just waste, but possible alternatives when it comes to solving the world energy crisis. It's a great example of how humans can turn something potentially harmful to the environment into something helpful. We would like to thank Uptown Yonge Dental - laser and family dentistry in Toronto for their continued support of our website.

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The Enviroment

Monday, October 21, 2024